Bookish New Year Resolutions


People all over the internet are saying that 2017 is going to be their year, and although it’s probably just everyone trying to compensate for 2016, I have decided that this is going to be my year for everything bookish. I do have exams starting next week, and then before the summer I have some more really big exams coming up so I have taken that into consideration, but I am pretty certain I can manage my resolutions at the same time!

So in no particular order, here are my Bookish New Year Resolutions!

1. Go to YALC 2017

This is a bit of a cheat resolution as I already know I am definitely going to YALC this year (I got tickets for Christmas!), but it is something I am really looking forward to this year. I am also going to try to go to YA Shot again in 2017, as I loved it so much last year, and just generally I am resolving to try and get to more book events.

2. Complete some Reading Challenges

I am also looking forward to taking part in a few reading challenges! Due to exams coming up, I don’t have time to fully sort out which I’m going to do, but I think I’ll set my Goodreads goal to 80 for now, and I’m definitely going to sign up to the 2017 Beat the Backlist challenge. I’ve saved links for a few others (such as the British Books Challenge) which I would love to do as well, as long as I think I can manage time wise. I will probably make a follow up post going into the one’s I am doing in more detail! Also, if anyone knows of any other challenges I would enjoy, I would love to hear about them.

3. Diversify my reading

Don’t get me wrong, YA is first and foremost my absolute favourite thing to read, but as I want to continue English and reading as more than just a hobby, it is also important that I read more widely. This doesn’t just mean classics, it means anything outside of the usual romance/fantasy/dystopian YA that I opt to read.

4. Do NaNoWriMo

Rather than NaNoWriMo, I think I want to do Camp NaNoWriMo, which is held over the summer. The difference with Camp NaNoWriMo is that you can choose how many words your goal is, so I’ll see at the time if I think I can manage 50,000. I attempted NaNoWriMo once a few years ago, only to give up around 1000 words in. I literally have had no time for writing in the past year or so, but I am determined to do this over the summer, and any tips or advice would be very welcome! If you want any more information on either the usual NaNoWriMo or Camp NaNoWriMo, there are linked here.

5. Continue building my Blogging Empire!

Well, not quite an empire, but I fully intend to carry on blogging throughout 2017, and I am really looking forward to meeting new people through Twitter and book events. I’m not going to set myself a follower goal, as there’s no way of knowing how it will turn out, and anyway that’s not why I started blogging. I just hope I can continue having just as much fun blogging in 2017 than 2016. I also want to work on the actual layout of my blog, as I think it’s a bit of a mess at the moment.


So those are my resolutions for 2017 regarding books, reading and blogging. Hopefully announcing them to the internet will encourage me to stick to them! I would love to hear any thoughts you have on 2017 or your own New Year Resolutions (bookish or otherwise).

6 thoughts on “Bookish New Year Resolutions

  1. I’ve heard a little of Camp NaNoWriMo, but maybe that it is a better alternative than NaNo in November. I was planning on doing that, but I think Camp NaNo is not so big and scary if you know what I mean. I’ll think about it, and maybe I’ll participate 🙂
    Great goals! Good luck!

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